Hi, I’m Randy Groves, Ph.D., a Certified Executive Coach and Mentor at the Halcyon Therapy Group in San Antonio, Texas.
I work with entrepreneurs, leaders, executives, and teams at all levels to realize their full potential.
For over thirty years, I have been at the forefront of innovation and risk and have experienced successes and failures, both personally and professionally.
Throughout my career, I have reinvented myself to overcome obstacles and plot new courses. I consider myself a life-long learner and never hesitate to expand my knowledge and skills.
Respected leaders come to me because they recognize that their image for themselves or their organization doesn’t align with their ideals. I help leaders to create and clarify their vision for themselves and those they lead and then to execute that vision.
At Halcyon Therapy Group we only work with a limited number of VIP clients enabling us to guarantee a superior and fully-responsive service.
Certified Executive Coach and Mentor (CECM)
PhD in Materials Science, Stanford University
MS in Strategic Studies, The United States Army War College
MS in Materials Science, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Army Colonel (Retired)
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